Halal Food

Voor Foodlinkk ligt de focus op food in het algemeen en halal food in het bijzonder. We helpen je graag bij het verkennen van de halal foodmarkt, het begrijpen van de halal consument, het benutten van de kansen die deze groeiende markt biedt en het begeleiden bij inkoopvraagstukken of vraagstukken met betrekking tot halal certificeringen en de islamitische spijswetten.

Halal Certification

Halal Certification

Do you want to enter the Dutch halal food market but encounter challenges in obtaining certifications? Let us guide you through the entire certification process. We help you understand the halal market, manage documentation, and arrange audits with Netherlands certification bodies. In addition, we offer access to halal production facilities within our network, simplifying the process and ensuring quality control.

Halal Product Sourcing

We have a team of experts in halal product sourcing and halal ingredients. We understand the strict standards that apply to the Dutch halal consumer. Foodlinkk facilitates the end-to-end halal procurement process by connecting you to our global supplier network for import, export, purchasing, and sales of certified halal products. We provide certification compliance support and ensure full compliance with halal regulations.
Een groot magazijn met vrachtwagens geparkeerd ervoor

Halal Production

Halal Production

The Netherlands is in the top 3 worldwide regarding halal food and halal production. At Foodlinkk we use this strong network to get your halal food product anywhere in the world. From production supervision to obtaining halal certification and sourcing halal ingredients from our reliable supplier network, we manage and oversee the entire process.

Halal Import and Export

With our extensive logistics services for import and export, we ensure smooth international trade of your food products. We arrange international transportation, including documentation, customs protocols, and shipping clearances. Our experienced team is ready to ship your products efficiently to target markets, while maintaining quality, both chilled and frozen. At Foodlinkk we strive to make your import and export processes seamless, so you can focus on growing your food business in the Netherlands.
Twee mannen in laboratoriumjassen en handschoenen inspecteren voedselboxen voor kwaliteitscontrole

Looking for a halal partner With An International Network?

Wij zijn jouw partner op het gebied van inkoop, supply chain en halal food. Ontdek hoe Foodlinkk jouw halal food business kan ondersteunen en ontzorgen.

Customer testimonials

What Our Customers Say